By Catholic Editor, Faith Addington

Image Credit to Chris Berrier

Lord, be with us on this day and the days that follow.
Empty us of all things that do not come from You
and fill us with Your love and peace
so that we might more fully serve you. 

In college we expect to find our calling, the one true thing we are to do with the rest of our lives. However, more often than not, people leave college feeling lost with no purpose. This calls for a change in perspective. 

We don’t all have a single calling in our life. In every moment of every day, God is calling us to something. He might be calling us to be a witness to His love through our actions or he might be calling us to simply be present to a friend in need. So often we get caught up in our “one, true purpose,” and outside of that, we consider ourselves in a “season of waiting.” But what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to complete your goals? Your dreams? Are you waiting for God to fast forward three years of your life to a time of more consistency and happiness? With this thinking, you will always be waiting for that true feeling of happiness. You will never leave your season of waiting because nothing will be good enough.

We often talk about the verse Jeremiah 29:11 as one of trust in the Lord and hope for the future, but there is an even deeper meaning that we fail to acknowledge.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The Lord has a plan for you. This we know. But His plan starts for you the second you lay down your own hopes and dreams and turn to him with trust. The Lord doesn’t ask you to sacrifice your desires, He wants to give you your heart’s desire. But too often, we want the wrong things; we want money, a nice car, a big house, the perfect family. With this verse, God is not only conveying that He has a plan for you, but that His plan is the only plan that will give you everything you have ever wanted. His plan is the one that we should be seeking, not our own. And it begins the moment we leave behind our desires.


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