By Catholic Editor, Faith E. Addington

Image Credit to The Diocese of Parramatta

I am reminded of the constant mercies of our Lord every day. I do not deserve the goodness with which He has blessed my life. I do not deserve a portion of what I have. I do not even do my very best to serve Him and thank Him for it. There are some days I even turn away from Him in sin. However, that is the beauty of His love for us. It is endlessly giving and always flowing. It is not dependent upon our weaknesses and flaws but on our birthright as His beloved children. We are all His children. 

Think about the closest people currently in your life: your mom, your dad, best friend, a sibling. Maybe an aunt or an uncle. Would they whole-heartedly take a bullet for you? Would they be mocked and scorned for you? Would they be tortured for you? Would they get up on a cross and sacrifice themselves for you? I have no doubt they would. Wouldn’t you do the same for them? If you and your little brother were presented with a cup of poison, would you not gladly drink it? You would sacrifice yourself so that another might live. After all, that is what Jesus Christ did for us. Now replace your little brother with the homeless man that sits day after day on the corner of Fuller and Michigan Ave. Would you drink that poison for him?

In the gospel of Matthew (Mt. 25: 34-36, 40), Jesus foretells the second coming and describes “the blessed” that will after, inherit the earth. 

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Now picture you and the homeless man holding the cup of poison. Suddenly, his face turns into the face of Jesus Christ. Does your answer change? Would you drink the cup of poison for the Son of God? The man that put up with taunting and torture, the man that gave his life for yours before you even existed?

Undeservedly, God gives His love to us in an infinite flow just as we should unconditionally offer it to those around us. Not just those that would take a bullet for you, but those who reflect the face of Jesus Christ: those who need food, shelter, or clothes. Those we can help by simply acknowledging their presence and showing them that they are loved. It is time to step up and answer the calling of Jesus Christ. It is time to be witnesses of His love for us. Go out and talk to that person who always sits by themselves at lunch. Go out and volunteer at an organization that serves the less fortunate. Go out and be testaments to the mercy and goodness of the Lord.  

May you come to know the full truth.
May you recognize His endless love for you.
May you be a witness to the goodness of God.
May your eyes and ears be opened to His voice.
May you become more like Jesus Christ every day.
May you be blessed on your God-given path.
Lord, be with us all.


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